OK. _Way_ too early. That message was meant to be private. I do apologize
for taking up an extra (two!) messages in your inbox.
Audette des Grenouilles <***> said:
:My Lord,
:I have a couple questions in regards to the class you have mentioned.
:One of the difficulties we will be dealing with at this event is a lack of
:separate rooms in which to run classes. This means that noise will be an
:issue, unfortunately. Will your class be loud?
:If it will be difficult to keep this class to a lower volume, I am of two
:minds. First, if there is a tactics class, or maybe a marshalling class you
:would be willing to do instead, that would be wonderful! Or, perhaps we could
:make your class dependent on the weather, and have it held outside the hall? I
:will need to clear with Charles that this is an option he's willing to have at
:his event, but it might work out quite well.
:Thank you for volunteering to help out the Candlemas Class Effort. I do really
:appreciate it, and hopefully my concern over noise is unfounded.
:Ed Shelton <***> said:
::I would be interested in teaching a primer class in sword and shield and
::spear techniques in tournaments and melees.
::Thanks for the opportunity,
::Centurian Giotto di Giovanni
::>From: Audette des Grenouilles <***>
::>Reply-To: ***, Barony of Bryn Gwlad
::>To: Bryn Gwlad Mailing List <bryn-***>
::>Subject: [Bryn-gwlad] Candlemas Classes
::>Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 07:31:15 -0800
::>Last week at practice I mentioned that I will be organizing the classes at
::>Candlemas. I invited anyone who would like to teach a class, or anyone who
::>would like a specific class taught to please write me and I could start
::>things together.
::>I have received a couple notes, but thought I would make my request again.
::>So, if there is anything you want to teach, or want to see taught, please
::>to me privately.
::>Thank you!
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