2003-12-15 15:55:07 UTC
I am back from Florida. I am sure I missed out on some stuff and for that I am sorry. I have a few things of my dad I am sorting through and found a batch of 8mm film from Vietnam and when I was younger...does anyone know of a place I can convert this to VHS or DVD? Especially a place where I don't have to mail it since I do not want it risk being lost. Also does Wild Basin still do memorial stuff or can someone think of another way I can set up such a thing for my dad as he was cremated.It was a wonderful Mass done by a Catholic priest from Italy that to me sounded almost like a Protestant by the things he said. Could not have asked for better. 2 Cpls and a Sgt from Marine Corp showed and did Taps and the flag ceremony, presenting me with the flag. I have posted some things about my dad in my allaboutraye web page in the About Me section. Will be posting the eulogies and such all this week as well. Again thank you to all who emailed me during this time with your condolences and thoughts/prayers. I wish I could thank you all individually, in person, but since I got back seems like I am being pulled in so many directions at once trying to get caught up on things and work, so I appologize for this blanket email... Thank you again, Raye (Vasha)<><><><><><><><><><><><><>"We will only be the Land of the Free, as long as we are also the Home of the Brave..."http://allaboutraye.netfrms.com/http://texasroses.netfirms.com/http://scajapan.netfirms.com/www.ebooksonthe.net
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